What is TRIAD?
TRIAD is the agreement of law enforcement agencies, senior citizens, and senior providers working in partnership to: address crime issues; reduce crime against older persons, and enhance the delivery of law enforcement services.

TRIAD assists senior citizens with information on crime prevention, personal and home safety, and consumer fraud and scams. TRIAD also provides speakers on these subjects for local community groups.

What do TRIADS do?

Educate : Sponsor crime pervention and victim/witness programs for senior citizens.

Assist : Recruit and train retired and senior volunteers to assist police agencies.

Emphasize : Peer reassurance programs to reduce fear and provide moral support.

Communicate : Provide a forum for law enforcement and the community to discuss needs and concerns and develop solutions.

Involve : Unite seniors and law enforcement to identify problems areas facing senior so that the community-wide solutions may be developed and implemented.

The Chemung County Sheriff's Office has had the opportunity to work with RSVP, and in doing so, a RSVP member works with the agency in producing identifications cards for employees and the general public.

"Combat Auto Theft Program" or (C.A.T.) allows seniors and others to register their motor vehicles with the Sheriff's Office and gives Law Enforcement permission to stop those vehicles between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M.  Vehicles are identified by a decal that is issued to the registered owner once they have completed the application form. 

Combat Auto Theft.pdf

traid poster v2.doc

Chemung County Sheriff’s Office 203 William St P.O. Box 588 Elmira, NY 14902
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